Sat. Jan 25th, 2025

Improving Education

Improving the Education and Well being of Girls’ at Ambassel Woreda of Amhara Regional State Project

Integrated Family Service Organization has been implementing projects with in the city of Addis Ababa for the last more than 15 years. However, presently, the need to expand the geographical area of intervention from the part of the government, donors and the board of IFSO believed to be necessary.

Therefore, considering its reach experience of working with the vulnerable segment of the society, the management took a step in order to realize the interest of the partners and reaching the needy outside Addis Ababa.

Accordingly, a preliminary need assessment and a pilot project developed and accepted by a donor and government authorities of the targeted area to start implementation by the year 2011. 

The project is entitled “Project Proposal on Community Mobilization and Child Wellbeing at Amibara Woreda of Afar Regional State” and has the following objectives:

Development Objective:
By 2011, the wellbeing, care and education of orphan and vulnerable children living in Awash Arba town of Afar regional state improved

Immediate Objective: 
By 2011, the living condition and early child hood care and education of orphan and vulnerable children in Awash Arba town improved   through strengthening the capacity of families and the community.

A preliminary needs assessment was also conducted at Ambassel woreda, one of the few food insecure woredas, of Amhara region during the reporting period. Based on the findings of this assessment, a concept note, entitled “Improving the Livelihood and Education of Girls at Ambassel woreda of Amhara regional State” is developed and submitted to three new donors, who accepted the project idea and showed interest for funding.

Target Groups: Orphan and Vulnerable Children Living in Awash Arba Town of Afar Regional State.

Target Areas: Awash Arba Town of Afar Regional State

Status of the Project: New