Children Safety Net Project
Objective: Shoromeda and Ferensai Legacia are communities where children are safe, appreciated, heard, learning and playing and their basic needs are met.
Specific Objectives:
- By 2012, 1.200 girls and boys from 300 families in Shoromeda and Ferensai Legacia are living in a safe, healthy and psycho-social supportive family and community environment
- By 2012 1.800 children in Shoromeda and Ferensai Legacia attend education and have access to supportive learning opportunities to improve their performance
- By 2012 GO and NGO’s operating in Shoromeda and Ferensai Legacia have improved practise to exert concerted efforts to bring about positive changes for children and young people in dialogue with the community.
Target Groups: vulnerable women and men
Target area: kebele 19/20/21 of Gulele sub-city and Kebele 01/02 of Yeka sub-city in Addis Ababa city Administration.
Direct beneficiaries: 340 families (300 women and 40 men], 3,600 students in 6 primary schools, 66 teachers and 6 school principals.
Type of services: training in entrepreneurship skills and provision of loan, organize and supporting home work clubs in schools, training on MAP(men as partner), organizing information club and internet services for school community.
Indirect beneficiaries: children and young people from 340 Families, 310 teachers and 95 administrative staff of 6 primary schools
Major Activities:
- Capacity Building of Families
- Environmental Sanitation and hygiene
- Income Generating Activities
- School support
- Networking
- The project provides awareness raising, school capacity building and economic empowerment for vulnerable children and their families. Among others, 221 women heads of families are included in saving and credit scheme, 20 ( 10 male and 10 women) school drop out youths enrolled in different vocational skill training institutions, 20 computers with accessories were distributed to 5 target schools and 637 community members attended trainings on the issue of man as partners for protection of sexual abuse. 950 children are supported in the home work club organized in the 5 target schools.
- 29 dry west containers and other sanitary materials distributed to local government authorities as well as constructed one community toilet.
Status of the Project: Ongoing
For more information on the specific objectives of the project and the current status of the project in terms of its different components such as capacity building of families, environmental sanitation and hygiene, relive of poverty barriers, school support, networking and documentation, including lessons learned and problems encountered during the execution of the project is available in the 2011 Annual Report of IFSO.