Sat. Jan 25th, 2025

Children On The Edge

Supporting Children On the Edge.

Focal problem:

Children and youth in the most underserved areas of Nifas Silk Lafto and Akaki/Kality Sub-cities are deprived of their basic needs and interest and are at risk of becoming further marginalized. 

General Objective of the Project:

Children and youth in Nifas Silk Lafto and Akaki Kality sub-cities live with their parents and cared for in a family and community environment, where men and women have equal status and where children and youth can develop their potential to become active members of the society.

Results (Expected Outcomes)

 The project is expected to bring about the following outcomes in the target area. These are:

  • 2,500 children registered in formal or informal schools
  • 5 schools and school clubs provided with financial and technical assistance to support children in difficult circumstances
  • 1,000 OVC’s provided with educational support
  • At least 900 cases will be addressed by the para-counselors
  • 5 Toilets and 2 water points constructed in 5 schools
  • 4 Alternative Basic Education(ABE) centers established in target area
  • The link between the community and health workers (through CBHA’s and health

extension workers) strengthen.

  • Established a link with NGO’s to equip the health facilities
  • 5 toilets and 6 water points constructed for the community in the target area.
  • 2000 Families practice RH and planned pregnancy
  • 500 families understand and practice good parental styles
  • In cooperation with Idres and local authorities, immigrants in the project area are settled and integrated in the community
  • 200 selected youths are trained in vocational skill training and/or provided with entrepreneurship skills
  • 75 youths are selected as role models
  • 15 male groups that consist of an average of 5 members each, are organized as community agents who support women’s initiatives.
  • 150 stories produced from the project (include the continuous use of the journalists in a joint work with other AC projects incl. SLTSSA and VOFAD)

Type of Beneficiaries:Children: Women and Community members

Number of Beneficiaries:   Direct  Male 3,000   Female  4,250  Total  7,250

  • 5000 Children and young people bellow the age of 18, which include
  • 3200 is in the primary school age
  • 1200 in preschool age
  • 600 youth either in secondary school, high school or drop outs.
  • 2000 Women and 250 men

Duration of the project: The project is designed for 3 years as the date of  Signature of  the project by the signatory parties.

Status of the project: Ongoing